The Great Speech Podcast with Kolarele Sonaike
What does it take to be a Great Communicator? With each episode of The Great Speech Podcast Kolarele examines all aspects of communication including storytelling, public speaking, negotiating, leadership, pitching and more. If you are looking to up your game when it comes to your communication skills, then this is the podcast for you.1) Subscribe to get notified when the next episode drops 2) Do a review to get a shout out on the next episode 3) Contact me for more communication skills help at greatspeech.co/get-started
The Great Speech Podcast with Kolarele Sonaike
Ep 43: My Keynote Speech on Interaction & Identity
Season 6
Episode 43
I was invited by the Bloomsbury Institute to give a keynote speech at their annual conference for academics and professionals.
The theme of the event was Interaction and Identity and so this week I thought I'd share the audio and see whether you guys think that I actually practise what I preach when it comes to public speaking.
Hope you enjoy
p.s. For help with your communication skills, take my FREE Workshop https://www.greatspeech.co/workshop/